Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

article direct and indirect

A Direct to Indirect
While reporting Assertive sentences indirectly, observe the following rules:-
1 The Reporting Verb - say - is changed into - tell - if there is an object after it, otherwise it remains unchanged.
2 Remove the comma and the inverted commas and start the reported speech with the Conjunction -that.
3 Nouns or Pronouns in the vocative case are treated as objects of their verbs.
4 Changes of tenses, pronouns and the words showing nearness are carried on accordingly.
5 Other general rules are to be observed.
Late is better than never
Observe the following examples:
1 The teacher said, "Raju, you are a lazy boy." (Direct)
The teacher told Raju that he was a lazy boy. (Indirect)
2 He said to me, "I do not like your habits." (Direct)
He told me that he did not like my habits. (Indirect)
3 The teacher said, "I shall not take my class today." (direct)
The teacher said that he would not take his class that day. (Indirect)
4 Mother said to me, "You are just like your father." (Direct)
Mother told me that I was just like my father. (Indirect)
B Indirect to Direct
While changing Assertive Sentences from Indirect form to Direct Form of speech the rules given above are reversed.
Observe the following examples:
1 He told his mother that he would become a brave general one day. (Indirect)
He said, "Mother, I shall become a brave general one day." (Direct)
2 I told Mala that I would see her the following day. (Indirect)
I said to Mala, "I shall see you tomorrow." (Direct)
3 You told her that you had done it. (Indirect)
You said to her, "I have done it." (Direct)
4 The Angel told Abu that his name was not there in that book. (Indirect)
The Angel said, "Abu, your name is not there in this book." (Direct)
Conversion of Interrogative Sentences

A Direct to Indirect
While reporting Interrogative Sentences, beginning with Auxiliary Verbs, indirectly, observe the following rules:-
1 The Reporting Verb - say - is changed into - ask or inquire etc. if there is an object after the reporting verb.
2 Remove the comma and the inverted commas and start the reported speech with the conjunction - if or whether.
3 Change the interrogative form of the reported speech into Assertive form (Helping Verb after Subject).
4 Nouns or Pronouns in the vocative case are treated as objects of their verbs.
5 Other general rules are observed too.
Observe the following examples:
1 The Visitor said to me, "Is your father at home?" (Direct)
The visitor asked me if my father was at home. (Indirect)
2 Netaji said to his men, "Are you ready to die for your country?" (Direct)
Netaji asked his men if they were ready to die for their country. (Indirect)
3 The host said to the guest, "Would you like to have a cup of tea?" (Direct)
The host asked the guest if he would like to have a cup of tea. (Indirect)
4 Sohan said, "May I use your pen, Mohan?" (Direct)
Sohan asked Mohan if he might use his pen. (Indirect)
5 The clerk said to his officer, "Shall I type this letter again, Sir?" (Direct)
The clerk asked his officer respectfully if he should type that letter again. (Indirect)
Never speak ill of others
6 The crow said, "Are the grapes sour, Mr. Fox?" (Direct)
The crow asked the fox if the grapes were sour. (Indirect)

B Indirect to Direct
While changing this type of interrogative sentence from Indirect to Direct Form of Speech the rules given above are reversed.
Observe the following examples:
1 He asked me if the should open the window. (Indirect)
He said to me, "Should I open the window?" (Direct)
2 The traveller asked the man if he could tell him the way to the nearest inn. (Indirect)
The traveller said to the man, "Can you tell me the way to the nearest inn?" (Direct)
3 I asked Rakesh if he would go with us for a picinic. (Indirect)
I said, "Will you go with us for a picnic, Rakesh?" (Direct)

C Direct to Indirect
While reporting Interrogative Sentences, starting with (What, Why, How, When, ….. etc) indirectly,
Observe the following rules:
1 The Reporting Verb - say - is changed into - ask or inquire - etc. if there is an Object after the Reporting Verb.
2 Remove the comma and the inverted commas and start the Reported Speech with the Interrogative word itself.
3 Change the Interrogative Form of the Reported Speech into Assertive form (Helping Verb after Subject).
4 Nouns and Pronouns in the vocative case are treated as Objects of their verbs.
5 Other general rules are to be observed too.
Observe the following examples:
1 The teacher said to Gopal, "Why are you late?" (Direct)
The teacher asked Gopal why he was late. (Indirect)
2 Geeta said to Suresh, "Why did you break my slate?" (Direct)
Geeta asked to Suresh why he had broken her slate. (Indirect)
3 He said to me, "How have you done this sum?" (Direct)
He asked me how I had done that sum. (Indirect)
4 Raman said to the policeman, "Which is the short-cut to the railway-station?" (Direct)
Raman asked the policeman which the short-cut to
the railway-station. (Indirect)
D Indirect to Direct
Observe the following examples:
1 She asked me what my name was. (Indirect)
She said to me, "What is your name?" (Direct)
2 Ram asked her where she lived. (Indirect)
Ram said to her, "Where do you live?" (Direct)
3 The lady asked Ramesh when he had met her brother. (Indirect)
The lady said to Ramesh, "When did you meet my brother?" (Direct)
As many mouths, as many tongues.

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