Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

article active and passive voice


Electronics plays a part in almost everyone life.radio and television sets are electronics devices .so are tape recorders and video or movie cameras and their projectors.doctors and dentist use x-ray machines,one of the first electronic inventions.in a long distance phone call,your voice is relayed over a great distance by other electronic devices.
Electronics is also important in industry,large x-ray machines are used to ‘see’ trought as much 10 to 20 inches of solid metal,in this way engineers can detect weaknesses inside such things as welded pipes ,airplane wings ,and railroad-car wheels.another electronic device counts cant oving alon a belt in a canning factory.if a dented can comes along,an electronically controlled steel bar pushes the dented can off the belt.
Electronic instrument are important in scientific research.atomic physicists work with giant electronic machines called particle accelerators.these accelerators are also called atom smashers.scientists turn to electronic computers to do huge amount calculating.electronic miscroscopes magnify very small things far beyond the power of any kind of microscope.
Radar ia another valuable electronic invention.it guides airplanes into crowded airpots,even when the ground is covered by fog.it enables pilots to locate and fly around storm high above the earth.missiles,earth orbiting satellites,and space probes are tracked by means or radar

example active and passive voice

a. Jika active voice dalam simple present tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah is, am atau are.
• Active : He meets them everyday.
• Passive : They are met by him everyday.
• Active : She waters this plant every two days.
• Passive : This plant is watered by her every two days.

b. Jika active voice dalam simple past tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah was atau were
• Active : He met them yesterday
• Passive : They were met by him yesterday
• Active : She watered this plant this morning
• Passive : This plant was watered by her this morning

c. Jika active voice dalam present perfect tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah been yang diletakkan setelah auxiliary has atau have, sehingga menjadi ‘has been’ atau ‘have been’
• Active : He has met them
• Passive : They have been met by him
• Active : She has watered this plant for 5 minutes.
• Passive : This plant has been watered by her for 5 minutes.

d. Jika active voice dalam past perfect tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah been yang diletakkan setelah auxiliary had, sehingga menjadi had been
• Active : He had met them before I came.
• Passive : They had been met by him before I came.
• Active : She had watered this plant for 5 minutes when I got here
• Passive : This plant had been watered by her for 5 minutes when I got here

e. Jika active voice dalam simple future tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah be
• Active : He will meet them tomorrow.
• Passive : They will be met by him tomorrow.
• Active : She will water this plant this afternoon.
• Passive : This plant will be watered by her this afternoon.
• Active : The farmers are going to harvest the crops next week
• Passive : The crops are going to be harvested by the farmers next week.

Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

materi active and passive voice

Kalimat aktif (active voice) adalah kalimat dimana subject-nya melakukan pekerjaan, sebaliknya, kalimat pasif (passive voice) adalah kalimat dimana subject-nya dikenai pekerjaan oleh object kalimat. Active voice lebih sering digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dibandingkan dengan passive voice. Namun demikian, sering kita temukan passive voice di surat-surat kabar, artikel-artikel di majalah-majalah dan tulisan-tulisan ilmiah. Passive voice digunakan karena object dari active voice merupakan informasi yang lebih penting dibandingkan dengan subject-nya.
Contoh :
• Active : We fertilize the soil every 6 months
Passive: the soil is fertilized by us every 6 months
Dari contoh ini dapat kita lihat bahwa:
1. Object dari active voice (the soil) menjadi subject dari passive voice
2. Subject dari active voice (we) menjadi object dari passive voice. Perhatikan pula bahwa terjadi perubahan dari subject pronoun ‘we’ menjadi object pronoun ‘us’.
3. Verb1 (fertilize) pada active voice menjadi verb3 (fertilized) pada passive voice.
4. Ditambahkannya be ‘is’ di depan verb3. Be yang digunakan adalah tergantung pada subject passive voice dan tenses yang digunakan. (Perhatikan pola-pola passive voice di bawah).
5. Ditambahkannya kata ‘by’ di belakang verb3. Namun, jika object dari passive voice dianggap tidak penting atau tidak diketahui, maka object biasanya tidak dikemukakan dan begitu pula kata ‘by’.
6. Khusus untuk kalimat-kalimat progressive (present, past, past perfect, future, past future, dan past future perfect continuous, perlu menambahkan ‘being’ di depan verb3). Kalau tidak ditambahkan “being”, tensisnya akan berubah, bukan progressive/continuous lagi. Perhatikan contoh-contoh pada poin h – o di bawah.
Berdasarkan keenam poin di atas maka passive voice mengikuti pola sebagai berikut:
Subject + be + Verb3 + by + Object + modifier

Pola active dan passive voice pada tiap tensis
a. Jika active voice dalam simple present tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah is, am atau are.
• Active : she meets them everyday.
• Passive : They are met by her everyday.
• Active : She waters this plant every five days.
• Passive : This plant is watered by her every five days.
b. Jika active voice dalam simple past tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah was atau were
• Active : she met them yesterday
• Passive : They were met by her yesterday
• Active : he watered this plant this morning
• Passive : This plant was watered by him this morning
e. Jika active voice dalam simple future tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah be
• Active : He will meet them tomorrow.
• Passive : They will be met by him tomorrow.
• Active : She will water this plant this afternoon.
• Passive : This plant will be watered by her this afternoon.
• Active : The farmers are going to harvest the crops next week

Passive : The crop h. Jika active voice dalam present continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah (is, am atau are) + being.
• Active : He is meeting them now.
• Passive : They are being met by him now.
• Active : She is watering this plant now.
• Passive : This plant is being watered by her now.
j. Jika active voice dalam perfect continuous tense, maka ‘be’ passive voice-nya adalah (has/have) been + being.
• Active : He has been meeting them.
• Passive : They have been being met by him.
• Active : She has been watering this plant.
• Passive : This plant has been being watered by her.

• Penggunaan kalimat pasif:
a. ‘By’ digunakan dalam kalimat pasif apabila pelaku pekerjaan perlu untuk diketahui.
‘Life on the Mississippi’ was written by Mark Twain.
b. Kalimat pasif digunakan apabila tidak perlu diketahui pelaku pekerjaan.
The streets are swept every day.
• c. Kalimat pasif digunakan apabila kita tidak tahu atau lupa siapa pelaku pekerjaan.
The professor was murdered.
• d. Kalimat pasif digunakan apabila subject pada kalimat aktif adalah ‘people’.
He is suspected of receiving stolen goods. (People suspect him of …)
e. Kalimat pasif digunakan apabila subject pada kalimat aktif berupa indefinite pronoun ‘one’.
Active : One sees this sort of advertisement everywhere.
Passive : This sort of advertisement is seen everywhere.
• f. Kalimat pasif digunakan apabila kita lebih tertarik dengan pekerjaan (action) daripada siapa pelaku pekerjaan.
A new public library is being built.
• g. Kalimat pasif dapat digunakan untuk menghindari kalimat yang janggal atau tidak sesuai dengan tata bahasa.
When he arrived home a detective arrested him.
Akan lebih baik :
When he arrived home he was arrested (by a detective).